Watch our little Lavender babies grow:)

This has been such a fun and exciting process!  At first, we really weren’t sure if these little babies would make it up in our northern climate….but so far they are thriving and we couldn’t be more pleased!:)

Here is a picture of the babies when they first arrived!  Small but healthy…

Baby plants

Here are a few pictures of my amazing husband preparing the land before planting!  Poor guy…the black flies were so bad.  Apparently the worst in years..hence the bug cap.  We had to eventually get full fledged bug suits!!  Step 1

Sweet pea

Happy but small Lavender plant!  Week 2


What an improvement after only 7 Weeks!!  Yippee…they’re still alive…and looking really good!!


Our fur babies love the plants too:) …..but watch out for the weeds!!! …Something we need to improve:)
